Libraries are better than bookstores or even Amazon for summer reading options. Summer reading provides huge benefits for children of all ages, especially practice and self-selection—two of the best predictors of good reading and writing skills. Here are five good reasons to use your local library.
- It’s FREE!
Most libraries allow children to choose 8-10 books at one time. If they discover that a few selected books actually do not interest them, no harm done! Parents often complain that they have purchased many books for their children, but the kids never read them. When choosing books, it is important to consider children’s individual reading interests and skills, which continually change. It IS important not to associate reading with guilt, so a library is the perfect place to allow experimentation that will not associate reading with remorse for money poorly spent.
Most community children’s libraries include many more options for books than any bookstore or even Amazon. If yours does not, encourage visits to a larger children’s library within a larger governmental boundary—such as county or city, rather than your local town.
- Summer Motivational PROGRAMS!
Many public libraries provide extrinsic incentives for children who need an extra push to read. Summer reading clubs and contests foster sharing of ideas and emotions. This has been proven by research to motivate even MORE reading.
- Expert GUIDANCE!
Children’s librarians are well trained and experienced with books that interest kids. Most understand how to find books that adapt to a child’s reading level when parents explain their concerns. They also know what is popular among different age groups. They know what’s HOT… and what’s COOL!
Visit your local library to find out!
Be sure to also check out our Free Tips about
Other Reading Spotlight Blog Posts about research and planning for Summer Reading:
A special Thank You to Brody, Grade 1, for use of his award-winning artwork!
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