Parent Monitoring

Due to budget cuts in many American schools, parent monitoring is becoming more important to assure that children have sound, fundamental reading skills. Teachers are still teaching reading, but, with increased class size, the individual attention that some students need is diminishing. Parents who want their children to succeed will have to pick up the slack, especially if no reading specialist is available to them.

The following list includes most basic mistakes children often make when learning to read. When your beginning or struggling reader reads aloud to you, make note if (s)he often repeats the same mistake. If (s)he does, calmly focus on it during the next read aloud. When the child is forced to pay attention the same mistake, (s)he often will soon learn to correct it.  Errors in decoding skills (consonants, vowels, sight words) sometimes need extra outside practice. Reading Spotlight Store contains many games, word searches, and instructional materials that are useful and enjoyable.

Decoding Errors:

1.consonants (Learn to Read Bingo: Beginning & Ending Consonants)

2. consonant blends (Learn to Read Bingo: Consonant Blends)

3. simple short vowels (Short Vowel Tutor Worksheets )

4. simple long vowels (Silent e Word Searches)

5. regular double vowels (Reading Tutor Bingo: Reading Long Vowel Words)

6. irregular vowel combinations (Reading Tutor Bingo: Difficult Clusters  Sets A & B)

7. syllables (Syllable Matching Game)

8. irregular sight words (Sight Word Kits A & B)

9. not using the context to figure out unknown words


Phrasing Errors:

1. words left out

2. substitutes words

3. word-by-word reading

4. doesn’t observe punctuation

5. pauses in the wrong places, disrupting meaning

6. rate—too fast or too slow


Comprehension Skills Necessary:

1. literal recall of facts and events

2. inferences that require thinking

3. retells using only important points

4. retells in correct time sequence

5. knows the  main idea

6. understands new vocabulary

7. uses good grammar in talking about the reading

Parent modeling of reading is the most effective means of helping a child learn fundamentals.  Draw attention to the story structure, clarify information and vocabulary, and extend your child’s responses.

When a child miscalls too many words, repeat what s/he said and ask, “Does that make sense” Then have the child reread the sentence correctly.

If a child’s problems are more than you think you can handle, “stay calm and carry on.” Talk to your child’s teacher or counselor, and ask about school or community resources.

For more ideas, see our free Tip: The Best Way to Read a Story.

Reading Spotlight’s Reading Profile is a free list of most fundamental reading skills.


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