1,000,000,000 = 1,000 ???????
Read on
to find out exactly how
one million can possibly equal
one thousand…
1,000,000,000 = 1,000 ???????
The benefits are enormous and proven–
We all lead busy lives, including students,
but this is not asking too much–
Many research projects reach the same conclusions–
- Children of all ages and income levels who read at least six books over the summer consistently gain higher reading levels than those who do not.
- The significant effect of summer reading is cumulative, one year improving and building on the next, over and above school year gains.
- The opposite effect, summer losses year by year, also add up!
- This is especially clear for lower income groups, where summer achievement loss is often greater.
- Summer users of the public library indicate higher gains in reading comprehension and vocabulary.
- Children read more when they see other people reading.
- Those who read more, write better.
- Reading as a leisure activity is the best predictor of good reading comprehension, vocabulary, and speed.
- One million words read = one thousand words added to one’s vocabulary.
Teachers and parents should work to foster summer reading.
Look for more ideas coming from Reading Spotlight’s next post: Do You Want Your Children To Do More Summer Reading?
For more information about encouraging children to read, view Reading Spotlight’s Free Tips:
Choosing Books to Read for Pleasure
Kim and Quinn, Review of Educational Research (Harvard, 2013)
Allington et al,(Teacher’s College and International Reading Association, 2013)\
Johnson, Peter. Building Progress for Summer Learning. (U.S. Department of Education,2000)\
Heynes, Barbara. (Academic Press, 1978) \
© Reading Spotlight 2017
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